
so let me get this straight.. a (mostly) direct gba port with a max resolution of 240 x 160 doesn’t look good on your 1920 x 1080 monitor?

This. I’d trust the dog I ALREADY OWN over a partner.
“Me or the dog”.. don’t let the doggie door hit ya..

This is true. So far, my google home knows how long i set my timer for when cooking, that I want to listen to the ramones sometimes, and that a higher voiced version of “me” likes to ask it stupid questions on the weekends.

An example of “trash in, trash out”. It can only collect what you give it.

I use one of the built in alarm songs on my phone. It’s enough to wake me up, and if i don’t turn it off fast enough, it makes my dog howl.

Either way, I’m awake!

I’ve been using Opera for years. It has kept up with the other browsers, including the extensions, and currently the only thing i’m missing from it is casting to my tv (until next update). i just use my phone for that part.

Maybe I just can’t see this properly. What ever happened to the days of getting 2 or 3 of your buddies and moving into a cramped, nasty apartment together, getting on eachother’s nerves, and effectively dissolving said friendships?

By the time i was in my late 20's, i’d “apartment hopped” quite a few times. I never

I repurposed an old phone toact as a remote.. the problem with this is that netflix and plex have a slider bar for how long the movie has played.. wanna rewind the last minute? good luck.