Because my wife never acts like that. Nor do any of my female friends act like that.
Because my wife never acts like that. Nor do any of my female friends act like that.
I actually would like to applaud this article. I’m an ally, so it was very difficult to get past false allegations leveled at me (not rape, thank goodness, but false allegations of abuse and stalking). While I was working on my first Ph.D., I dated a woman in the program with me. I was, according to her, only the…
It’s aggregating fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. 76% isn’t great, but tells me enough to know there’s a reason I never heard of you before today.
Ares. Not Aries. Two very different figures.
Yeah. I find it hilarious that it's being celebrated as a redemption story when it's a paid addition to an incomplete game that makes it complete.
You lost me at “we may be grading on a curve, but that doesn’t matter.”
This. Thank you. I’d like to point out that the studio included a thank you note inside the game. A thank you note. Everyone should reflect on that, when companies like Bungie, et al., take your money, don’t listen to your complaints and don’t seem to care all that much because they’ve already got your money.
Yeah. 2D is the way to go. I don’t know where the article gets the idea 3D was Miller’s preferred version. He showed 2D to press and screeners and didn't initially film the movie in 3D. Says to me that 2D was his preference.
I thought about returning to Destiny after several months away. Instead, I bought a hamster and a wheel, and I'm just gonna watch him run and run and run.
I just wish I could see his daily schedule. I'm a published writer (nowhere near as successful as Martin, so I have to teach in addition to writing). Even with my job, my two sons, and my three hour commute, I can still manage 1k words a day.
I'd like to see where the Expanded Universe was ever stated to be canon by Lucasfilm. They were never official canon any further than "eh, we probably won't make anymore movies, so go right ahead. Sure, it's canon. Until something contradicts it."
The best thing about Destiny is playing something else. I refused, for a month after the DLC (which I never bought), to trade the game in. Finally, I gave up. Got Far Cry 4 and Evolve and couldn't care less about Destiny. I feel the same way about Destiny as WoW at this point: "Hmph. Guess it's still a thing."
I know, right? Because only men cheat and treat people like shit, amiright?
The books still exist. It's not like all the Nazis from Last Crusade are gathering up all the old books and burning them (though ...hey...crossover). I don't recall them ever being canon so much as everyone assuming there'd be no sequels so they achieved this quasi-canon status. I love a lot of those stories. They're…
Bill Simmons is a spoiled, petulant child. He'd fit in well here.
I'd add the twelve issue Inhumans series by Jenkins and Jae Lee. Great stuff.
Fact #11: The game barely works.
I have one Orc that kills me, I kill him. Back and forth this goes. The catch? He keeps telling me how "attractive" I am. That's real talk.
Let's continue to bury the lead: he was suspended for dropping f-bombs on the podcast, not for criticizing Goodell (as almost every one that works at ESPN has done).