
Better yet, let's go start a blog and make an entire sports writing career out of bashing a dude that's shitty at his job. Woo hoo! Journalism!

I've got an idea: let's beat this dead horse until it's a vaguely horse-shaped stain on the ground.

Deadspin hates something?! Say it ain't so!

You're a clever one, aren't you? I bet you keep 'em rolling at the Taco Bell.

What a nice, offensive joke. I'm sure I'd find it funny if it didn't make light of near-genocide. What a twit.

I hear you. I didn't rediscover the power of the rental demo until the children came along.

who says barrier to entry is $60? Redbox, gamefly, friends who own the game...

perhaps you should...

You are aware that he just got cut and suspended by the league indefinitely, yes? Calling a whole group of people hypocrites because two people in the NFL are complete pieces of shit is a bit of a generalization. And by "bit," I mean "huge."

Because "Indians" isn't a racial slur. As an American Indian, I have a little experience.

A question I don't mind at all. While it hasn't been confirmed that Day Z and No Man's Sky are officially coming to Xbox, NMS in particular has been said - by developers - to likely come to XB1. Going back a little, Sony also initially suggested the Diablo 3 port was exclusive to PS4 when the real reason for it's

I find it funny that it's "shady" when Microsoft does it, but when Sony does the same thing, no one on Kotaku says a word.

Wow. Really? Have you not seen the Xbox One coverage here? Far from positive.

I agree. Just my two cents: I think the tumbler was the best batmobile BECAUSE it didn't look like any other kind of car. When you're fighting a one man war, do you want a caddy? Or a tank?

Oh no! In a market-driven global economy, people are going to try to figure out better ways of selling me things! Egads!

This is what I find humorous about Valve: they can't get DLC (or anything else) out on time for some of their biggest franchises and they've thrown their hat in the hardware ring. They're going to change the way we play games in our living room? Ha...and ha.


Good comedians make fun of themselves, and of the universal truths shared by us all. Poor comedians are bullies.

While I agree that Edge is just as Pro-Sony as Kotaku, everyone do themselves a favor and go look at the Edge article. These anonymous devs state drivers for both systems are horrible right now, and while the article is still negative towards the XB1, it's not nearly as negative as the sensational and selective