
-lifelong comics fan

I've got an idea: let's all whine like babies because the Xbox One wasn't what we wanted, then rip on Microsoft for changing their policies and giving us what we wanted. One word: Kotaku. Two words: Nothing new.

You are correct, sir. Or madam. Just another neckbearded troglodyte lemming tossing around unnacceptable and ignorant language because - oh no - you might have to pay for both goods AND services.

Thank you for calling out the use of this word. "Rape" is used far too readily and lightly by people who don't stop and think about the connotation OR denotation of the word.

Vaporware. The Keyzer Soze of fighting games. It exists, somewhere, but may as well be a ghost.

Wonders how most of the commenters here would respond to being incessantly berated in a public forum.

Those who program games, program games. Those who can't, critique.

You don't really understand irony, do you?

Apparently, the PS4 allows you to be a self righteous, pigheaded a**hat that says things like "So now it's just a PS4 clone."

Actually laughed out loud at the likelihood that you're exactly right.

I haven't touched my PS3 this gen. It's basically a really expensive blu ray player with the exception of Demon's Souls, Journey, and the Ico/SotC collection. I played God of War 3, but - I'm sorry - those may be the most overrated games in the history of gaming. Just dull as dishwater. I'm leaning Xbox One for two

Also, you had - what?- fifteen, thirty minutes with it? It seems the "journalists" here at Kotaku seem predisposed towards negative opinions towards the Xbox One. Surely that couldn't be, could it?

Really? We're gonna beat this "evil DRM" horse until its a vaguely horse-shaped stain on the ground? Give it up.

I said "buy used." Meant "buy new."

Entitlement generation: I live In Mississippi. Rural Mississippi. Guess what? The problem in rural areas isn't no Internet. It's no money. Guess what? If you can't afford Internet, you shouldn't be buying an Xbox One OR a PS4. So think twice before you trot out the argument that everyone not having Internet is some