
You know a show is good if you want to go and tell each character whats happening with the other characters!

I guess the way he handled it was uncalled for, but the message sort of got me….A message that just because you're gay you shouldn't be allowed to get away with stuff..I'm all for the LGBTQ+ community, so I hope it educated the rest of society..

They filmed this episode before the election—just a general statement, I guess.

Modern Family shines when there's 2 or 3 storylines, max! Last nights episode had about 4 to 5 storylines rammed together for 20 minutes. Not a surprise last nights episode wasn't funny, funny seems to alternate on the Modern Family calendar. Character Development is really hurting Modern Family. They've got to stop,

I had a good feeling about this when I saw promo of this episode. I hope the upcoming episodes are as more funnier than this!!

It's been a long time since I laughed so much for an episode of Modern Family. It was the best episode so far, this season! I was ROFLing my way through it! Screw "development of the characters", this works and they should continue to do this! And this episode definitely deserves at least an A-!

Another pattern I noticed, all midseason finales end with a scene of Annalise and Wes. Guess we should've seen this coming!

For 3B, #WhoKilledWes!!

Pattern for HTGAWM mid-season finales.
Season 1: Who killed Sam?
Season 2: Who shot Annalise?
Season 3: Who's under the sheet?

I just realized well never see that amazing house again!!! Just when Annalise starts gardening…

Who the f*ck is going to ride a bike next season premiere?!?!?

Or it could just be pretend…

We still don't know who's under the sheet!

Last week I thought I had it all figured out, but after watching todays episode I'm dumbfounded! This episode definitely deserved an A-! That last five minutes was some of the most brilliant acting on HTGAWM, it was an emotional rollercoaster. I'm getting really excited for next week!!!

This episode deserved a much lower grade than a B-. I can't even remember if I laughed….and laughter is what I needed after the state at which our country is right now..😢

My theory is that Annalise is behind all this, including and not limited to Wes ratting Annalise out and then asking for blanket immunity. I think it's a plan to save Wes from the Mahoney case…

COLIVER IS BACK!!!🎉 Wessel is still there!😷

I think you might be right about Wes being under the sheet. Wess' storyline is done. It took up two whole seasons, but it's done. Asher's storyline is also done, but we find that he's alive, so has Nates, but Connors storyline has not begun, nor has Michelas or Laurels (but we found them alive). So they can't kill

Certainly one of the best episodes this season!