I'm sure Sluggo has a grand delusion that she or he is driving people from the site.
I'm sure Sluggo has a grand delusion that she or he is driving people from the site.
Hey. Psst.
Does he have blackmail on someone? How is he still employed?
My pops was convinced it was a mixture of Arlington and Ranger, until Judge said it was drawn off of some other Texas suburbs and towns.
My pops grew up in Texas, splitting time between Arlington and a blink-and-you-miss-it town of 900 or so.
Ugh. I just got an inkling of what that post said.
@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus . What the fuck were you doing, man?
I, for one, will hold out for the Bruckheimer-produced film adaptation of the novel of the adaptation of Hamlet, with the boom and the beach scenes and the bathing suits and oh let's throw in zombies in there, they're huge with the teens.
@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus One I know was 42 or so. Year and a half of tech school. He did a couple contracting gigs for a few years, and now he's an FTE with benefits and all that. Good thing is the age-ism doesn't really kick in for application development, since everyone who retired from that…
My uncle's partner trains horses, so it would be cheap for me too, but it's expensive for other folks.
Yeah. I hate texting, and I would think that women would be a lot more comfortable meeting me if they were able to have an actual discussion with me before a date.
…so she lets you out of the cuffs to post here?
Eh. Used to live there. Head for the Mogollon Rim as soon as you land, and you'll end up fine.
It's tough. I know guys who went through university, had jobs, then went back to tech schools in their forties and learned to code, and now they're making very good money.
He wasn't wanting to get a feel of who you were. He was messaging someone else and seeing where that led before meeting you.
Wait. What? How are guys who want to talk on the phone suspect?
Get. OUT.
…except I would have seen the Joker refusing to destroy Gotham like Bane/the League of Shadows would have.
Yeah, those things are all fun, and I prefer sea kayaking but river kayaking can be fun but horseback riding is so expensive and it's so difficult ohhhh, you were talking about the sex.