
But I just had a revolutionary ideal for a streaming service that carries the same content as every other provider does,plus content you can already stream for free from other places, and charge 50 bucks a month for it, like the other providers. Now you say it is a bad idea?

No never had the Uber app. The only time I have used a Uber my boss booked them for me.

You mean Russia and China are just like the US?

I didn’t know foursquare was still a thing.

You know I am surprised they haven’t..

Why does any government need to develop any new surveillance and tracking software when we already have Facebook?

That was what I was thinking, that neither did much of anything but make people feel like they were protected.

I am confused as why you need to stick a coffee filter into the first type of mask but not the one made out of an old tshirt.

Maybe you could afford a 200 buck TV if you weren’t a moron.

Why can’t we all just wear one of the millions of mask that Trump sent to each state? /s

I read this story was true on Facebook so now don’t know who to believe.

Sorry to busy fucking yours. He is insatiable! 

I just read that Dr Fauci is related by marriage to Bill Gates who has the patent on the VIRUS and Fauci’s wife owns the vaccine company that is putting out the FORCED VACCINE that people are being FORCED to take right now!

You mean Kobe the rapist. I have heard of him. I suppose if Tim Cook wanted to start making cheese in a hurry he would get more Muslim slave labor in China to expedite things like he does for the IPhone. I myself don’t find this to be a moral solution to the problem. 

After further research I have discovered thanks to Pat Robertson of the 700 Club that Covid-19 comes from guys eating pussy and that 9-11 was caused by witches and lesbians!

I see the writers here have been gotten to by the Evil One,Bill Gates. They are part of his plan to make everyone ill with 5g so they will be forced to take his vaccine that is full of mind control microprocessors! The people without these mind control chips in their brains will no longer be able to buy food!  

Actually I do work in logistics though I don’t know what that has to do with Tim Cook who doesn’t work in the field of logistics.

They are mostly anti-everything and everyone activist.

Where and how are they supposed to store it till it all your cheese producing plants can be built?