
Don’t think you will get any major trucking companies or fuel suppliers to buy into your plan after getting bit in the ass with the failed conversion to LP gas fiasco.

So all these batteries that are filled with toxic chemicals and will have to be disposed of somewhere,are more green than hydrogen? Makes tons of sense.

So you have a map of all the Tesla supercharge stations in rural Africa? Why did they build them there before the US? Your whole comment is rather ignorant. 

His more a fan of Festivus. He loves the airing of grievances so much he caries it over to everyday of the year. 

And fuck the GMG Union memebers and writers who were too chickenshit to say anything at the time and when it might have done some good.

Too bad he didn’t have the courage to say anything when the shit was going down but I guess better late than never. Jason would make a great ex Trump staff member.

He looks rather disappointed that he didn’t die and now has to spend the holiday with his family.

You are getting robbed.

I thought it might have been better if they found someone who somewhat resembled Geralt.

It sounds like you may have died and went to hell.

I’m sorry,but you have no clue what you are talking about. However a fan is helping drown out your droning on and on.

My year end review shows that I am perfect in every way and have no need of improvement. 

You could just throw it in the trash since the kids are probably more over it then you are and tired of trying to humor you with their fake excitement.

So you used the words you are condemning this person for using multiple times. I guess this makes you a terrible person and you don’t have the excuse of being a teen. Hard to believe you didn’t know better.

This is a semi trailer hooked to a dolly. You have no clue what you are talking about. 

I hope you have a better source of facts for your court cases.  You seem to have no clue what you are talking about in this case.

The politics is why people choose not to eat there thus the need for the recipe.

It would have been nice if they would have actually said something while the fall of Deadspin was going on but I guess that would have required courage.

No one uses hangouts so who cares.

Splinter too.