
Im a boomer and I thought Diablo3 sucked and I canceled my WoW subscription. Can I be cool again?

How are they increasing the value of Splinter?

Yeah being a pompous ass just made him sound like you.

What a fucking idiot you are..

You are still a moron.

You and your wife are pathetic losers.

Try loosing the strap on your MAGA hat a notch.

If you have the psychic powers to be able to determine who is serious and who is just there for a joy ride,why are you wasting your time selling cars?

It will provide a means of escape to the pigs threatened with being raped by the pig fuckers Paul Maidment and Jim Spanfeller. 

I resent you calling Jim an herb! He is a molester of small farm yard animals!

Jim Spanfeller,the guy who runs G/o media and rapes farm animals,deleted it from all the sites.

Your friends never made it to Tulsa or they just like lying to gullible morons.

You think this because you are a drooling idiot who loves to lick Spanfeller’s taint.

You are a sad little person. Just shut up and get back to sucking your bosses wrinkled taint. 

You are a dog fucking herb just like your hero,Spanfeller. 


You are an herb.

Too bad you guys couldn’t have had some kind of union that did more than give people best wishes in your future endeavors.

GMG Union should try standing with its members beyond “Best wishes for your future.” What a fucking joke.

Too bad these people didn’t have a union to stand behind them. Something more than best wishes on your future endeavors..The GMG Union sucks only slightly less than Paul Maidment and Jim Spanfeller.