
He served ham last Thanksgiving.

Why are the Chiefs who do all the same things that Redskins fans do,not considered a racist team? 

Don’t forget that Laura Bush killed a guy.

Except for her and a few power members of Congress, I don’t think anyone has ever made that argument.

I guess if there is no such thing as a good man then all women are dumb cunts.

Giuliani “They couldn’t put it on the Internet if it wasn’t true!”. Dumb motherfucker.

You know shit is getting serious when they can’t even get Kellyanne Conway to come on TV and defend Trump and offer us some alternative facts.

He was on Fox screaming at Howard Kurtz for not giving him a chance to peddle his latest conspiracy. 

I heard that Hillary Clinton was responsible for both space shuttle disasters and was the second shooter on the grassy knoll in Dallas. She hasn’t denied either claim so it must be true! 

I usually agree with most things you say but you are completely wrong here. I know plenty of people who are in much better health after having heart attacks than they were before and others who only knew they had heart attacks months after the fact as the result of unrelated test.

I think you have to have a heart to have a heart attack. Trump only has a liddle black ball of evil animating his corpse.

I don’t think anyone lied period. He did have stents put in and sometimes it takes time and testing to say that you definitely had a heart attack. Not that it really matters if he did or didn’t. 

I was interested until I saw the interior and realized there are no cup holders. For 7 million I expect cup holders!

Nice denial and rationalization you got working.

He is spending weekends in jail for his 3rd DWI.

I think it more likely Mitch would pull out a pistol and shoot Trump in the head before doing anything considered right or courageous. 

You are being terribly unfair to Woodrow Wilson comparing him to Trump. Even after having a massive stroke he was more lucid and competent than Trump has ever been.

It is worth noting that the CIA General Counsel was appointed by Trump so going to be hard to cry partisan on that one.

Yeah how many family vacations has Trump taken with his kids in the station wagon with the family dog tied on top?

It does have Carplay and Android Auto though.