
They should make the debates Battle Royal cage matches where there is only one mic and the candidates have to wrestle for it in order to answer a question. 

They think she would make a great cook or maid and if she worked really hard might get promoted to nanny.

Must be nice to be so rich that 60 million is no money to you.

Everyone knows that Denmark is a terrorist country run by Democrats,Liberals,Antifa,Lame Stream Media and Muslims. It is our moral obligation to liberate the brave people of Greenland from such tyranny!

Greenland isn’t an autonomous country. 

Makes even less sense since those replays are shown in the stadiums on the Jumbotron.

That would have required both effort and journalistic integrity. You have to go elsewhere for that kind of fancy pants writing.

What rickety fence are you speaking about? The one that did the job as intended and kept the car on the track and the driver uninjured? 

There you go trying to confuse things with your fancy facts! The Internet is intended for unfounded outrage and hot takes.

So it was Google’s bias against Republicans that caused the delay in getting to him after the crash? 

It was designed specifically for Indy car racing and your use of NASCRap makes you look like an even bigger moron.

The fact that he walked away was due to the catch fence doing its job. 

If she could clearly state what her objections are in a coherent manner it might help. Her whole article was a disjointed work of nonsense. Nothing she was whining about had anything to do with any of the accidents and her the fence was fixed with wire ties was a complete falsehood. 

Good to see you are keeping the Every BWM Driver is an Asshole Douche stereotype alive and well.

As a truck driver I am fighting the same fight. My company is switching to autos in all the new trucks but I am fighting to keep my old 18 speed. Might just have to buy it from them.

The Yugo I had was a great car. Rolled it 3 times one night and after we got it rolled back upright drove it home. Took a car jack and a 4x4 post to pop the roof back out and drove it another 40k miles.

You might try reading the article before commenting next time.

Just type  in Porche and Hitler in Google you will get dozens and dozens of the links you are requesting.

Hopefully soon his commercial breaks will be filled with test patterns and test of the Emergency Broadcast System.

You haven’t gained any special features you didn’t already have from the Your Phone app, but the implementation is prettier.”