
Or a state school for that matter. Tennesse doesn’t even worry about their 9 violations from last fall. Not even holding them accountable in the news. Why would any school make positive changes when no one even cares about 9 violations in a 6 month period?

Has to be some funding they can take away. Unfortunately, I doubt that ever happens. Should be easy enough to take it from state schools, but they won’t even try - see Tennesse’s Football program and their 9 Title IV violations from fall of 2015. No accountability even when there’s public outrage.

Sucks. NCAA can’t do much because of the rampant cases at other large universities. Not sure this will change anything, and that’s a shame. I thought this scandal would finally cause universities to take hard look at sexual assault and covering up crimes to protect their precious football team. Unfortunately that’s

Makes me sick. Excited about real change in college football and the impact on culture at these large powerful universities.