
This is stupid and ridiculous and I love it

After going all SSD with the Series X and the expansion card, I cannot go back to spinning disc. Anyone who tastes the next-gen goods is instantly hooked! ;-)

Never noticed these characters in the game. But I only played through it the one time on 360, and traded it in after I finished (it was not the best experience compared to next-gen systems)

I don’t listen to her music, but this seems neat. I thought the emperor’s voice from The Rise of Skywalker revealed in Fortnite way back when was a sucky way to reveal a major plot point, though.

I don’t listen to her music, but this seems neat. I thought the emperor’s voice from The Rise of Skywalker revealed in Fortnite way back when was a sucky way to reveal a major plot point, though.

I would like to play it on my Series X, but I’m less interested knowing it isn’t single player friendly.  :-(

I’m glad to see it. I want more online co-op. Vs doesn’t appeal to me as I get older and have no time to get gud.

That’s why I come here, tho. To get the news I can’t see live while I work!

They could have said nothing. That’s an option.

I urge you to stop covering him.

Got a lead for me?  The card is great in Cuda rendering.

I have tried so much to get into No Man’s Sky, mostly because this dev has made such an effort to make good on their promises. I just feel like it takes an enormous amount of time to do anything and I don’t feel like there is a gameplay hook for me.

Could be that they always say they aren’t political, because they know it will get them free press coverage.

was just thinking of getting part 4 - the triple pack is a no brainer for the same cost. Thanks!

was just thinking of getting part 4 - the triple pack is a no brainer for the same cost. Thanks!

Thanks, I’m stealing this.

Thanks, I snagged the Xbox expansion card at a discount. I got a $200 gift card with my switch to a phone provider and with tax, this snuck in just under the $200 barrier!

Thanks, I snagged the Xbox expansion card at a discount. I got a $200 gift card with my switch to a phone provider

This is the kind of TMNT stuff I want, not some massive game. I have young nephews and they will love this (hoping for online as the pandemic has stopped couch co-op)

Invert Y-axis on Xbox. On the 360 I could set that pref at the system level. Haven’t seen that option on Xbone/Series X

While I was almost tempted to pre-order (and unable to pre-order, like the RTX 3080), I guess I can wait for a black console.