
I loved the demo, and then became bored with it, then finally decided I liked it again. Freeplay wasn’t interesting, though I did find some gorgeous interiors by accident. I found no tasks to accomplish in free play.

I liked most of the missions in the demo, but free play was boring as hell. I also didn’t like the heavy class. The game was also not as smooth as destiny, which is a very solid 30 fps. Sub 30 fps in highs speed action - they need to do something to iron that out. And the disappearing loot. And disappearing enemies.

You guys are being played. Ubisoft knows exactly how to get you talk about their game when there is really nothing new to announce.

I enjoyed him in the role. I wish he had better scripts to work with.

I think it’s weird. I also think Hollywood could use a lot more weird in their movies, so I’m all in.

Ace Combat returns. Yessssss....

I bought and enjoy the game on switch. But I wonder if I would have liked the superior visuals of the X-Bone version better.

Even if God of War was a bad game, I would still play it from start to finish just to bask in the glow of Christopher Judge’s performance.

I was drawn in by the stunning art on the cover. The art on the inside was disappointing.

I just couldn’t get into inquisition. I don’t think I gave it a chance after the first main section and I sent it back to gamefly.  Now I have such a backlog that I don’t think I’ll ever get back to it.

This game is looks beautiful. Gotta download this and Below on games pass tonight. I’m so happy with that subscription.

That’s the nice thing about Games Pass. If it sucks, I haven’t directly paid for a purchase I regret. Just on to the next game. :-)

WHAT?  Damn, I have no more time

Vagrant Story.  I think I have that disc somewhere...

That’s been my experience. I got 18 months for $60, which was a steal. I tried a lot of smaller titles and ended up loving them. 

I got games pass when it was on sale. So the state of gaming on Xbox, despite not having the Sony exclusives, is that I have access to more games than I can reasonably play during my free time. A wealth of gaming choices! Ashen, The Gardens between, and Mutant year zero just got added, with crackdown 3 just around

I’d argue that God of War stole the show (from RDR2, lol), but this guy seemed nervous and genuinely excited about winning, like he didn’t expect it. From what I saw, all the people accepting awards seemed gracious, happy, and thankful. The RDR2 acceptance for music I also thought was heartfelt. Cory Barlog seemed

I hope the new one comes to the X-bone. I thought the last one with its enormous list of fighters looked like a blast.

Donate it to goodwill or Salvation Army. Let them sell it for a few bucks.

haha, that’s absolutely true!