Still the best controller out there - MS got it right. But I’m ready for a move back to Nintendo.
Still the best controller out there - MS got it right. But I’m ready for a move back to Nintendo.
Man, I want an elite controller but I feel like my friends’ elites have broken pretty quickly.
Man, I want an elite controller but I feel like my friends’ elites have broken pretty quickly.
Man, I wouldn’t kill my cash cow. But that’s me. I like large amounts of money. Perhaps since he already has a bunch of cash he’s done.
Luigi’s Mansion is the best ghostbusters game ever made.
High Moon was absorbed by Bungie? Dang. I wanted to see more from them.
Hell yeah. I loved those games. High Moon really loves Transformers and you can tell. The art book for their games is stunning.
This is the first one I’m really interested in thanks to the changes.
Nothing makes adult Transformers animation fans happier than seeing plucky youngsters poking about robot stuff.
Might be safer for me to stick with that, then. my s7 has 32 built in, the extra 128 means I don’t think about storing music or snapping pics and 4k videos.
Well, sweet. I just got a 128GB SD card, so moving some of those stubborn apps over will be nice. Does this make them buggy?
Gamergate is always talking about you: making whatever you say into a mountain. You guys cannot stop talking about gamergate, always moving the goal post to blame them for whatever ails you this week, despite declaring them dead a year ago. You are two snakes eating each other for eternity, continuously feeding each…
Bought one of these last time - I found them to be pretty uncomfortable. Mine actually fit really tightly and the wiring was shot in mine - one ear didn’t work. I returned to amazon.
Bought one of these last time - I found them to be pretty uncomfortable. Mine actually fit really tightly and the…
The NPCs in The Division do get annoying quick, especially when you’re buying and crafting gear and you have to hear some guy say “My back’s all fucked up” over and over and over...
I find Pence a bit more scary. Like he might tear his face off and reveal something else underneath.
Fuck the False-Consensus effect.
I started watching it on netflix recently, and while it’s enjoyable enough, I’m finding the early stuff so far to be just a bit of a slog. Villain/victim of the week, Finch/John Banter, and they just barely escape/save someone at the last minute, with promises of more people to save in the next episode!
They sold it to me already. I have 3 crazy nephews to deal with. This will be awesome, and I’ve been ready to get back into Nintendo’s games for a while.
I can’t wait for this election to be over so I can stop seeing the coverage of every insane and/or mundane thing he does. Was he always like this, but just never had this degree of coverage? Or is he acting out now that he has an audience, like my 4 year old nephew does when guests come to visit?