I have a flow chart that starts with a question: is the female voiced by Jennifer Hale? If so, I’m playing as her.
I have a flow chart that starts with a question: is the female voiced by Jennifer Hale? If so, I’m playing as her.
I got the Call of Duty Advanced warfare controller (top one in my post) for $30 at Best Buy on black friday. Worth it!
All I want is a Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer remaster. Keep the single player. Just give me multi.
Might as well wish for that since Phantom Dust was the thing I was most excited about. Also, I’ll take Killer Instinct Season 3, please. That game is so fucking weird. I love it. Mummies, skeletons, dinos, demons, ghosts,…
You lost me at “free-to-play”.
On the XB1 you can specify where games install by default. it’s nice! I ahve stuff install to my large 7200 rpm USB drive by default, and then I only move over my “current” games to my SSD. once I beat them, I move them to my storage drive for easy access later.
5TB! You beast!
Hmm, I’ve only streamed. I think one should be able to download movies one buys, but I’ve never tried it.
I love having external storage options on my XB1. I have tons of drives sitting around from various PCs and other tinkering, so I have an external SSD for my most played games like Desinty and a few others (it’s noticeably sped up fast travel in Far Cry 4). I have a larger one for less used games, and a massive drive…
The wireless protocol on the XB1 controller is WiFi direct, not bluetooth. :(
Interested in this for a super tiny emulator that sucks less than my Ouya. Will it handle HD netflix OK? I’ve got a spare 120GB SSD so I’m partway there!
Interested in this for a super tiny emulator that sucks less than my Ouya. Will it handle HD netflix OK? I’ve got a…
I still love PvZ: Garden Warfare. Ridiculous fun. Tons of free content. People can spend money to unlock faster if they want, but since I played so much I unlocked stuff like crazy. Beautiful art style, crazy online, top notch sound work.
It’s backwards compatible on the 360. Some of the reflection effects don’t work, so when you get to a droid ship level it will look super wonky but still play fine.
I encounter the occasional cheater on XBL (more so on the original Xbox and Halo 1), but nothing like this. This just looks frustrating.
Or it’s Mike from Breaking Bad, wearing a doctor’s outfit so he can sneak in and put some poison in your saline drip.
Does anyone else see Marty McFly in the rescind version of flappy bird?
One thing about the CoD trailers - their cut scenes are clearly in engine and their gameplay footage is clearly in game. I appreciate a straight forward presentation of what to expect.
Can companies publish AO games digitally on XBL/PSN? I know most stores in the US won’t carry AO rated games.