I like it because it's black and stays out of the way. It doesn't draw attention.
I like it because it's black and stays out of the way. It doesn't draw attention.
I'll take a black box any day. My consoles need to go in into furniture designed to hold boxes, not weird shapes.
If, in your opinion, the game doesn't look so great, don't cover it. I'm sure there are other games more worth your time.
I quite randomly learned the other day that the plural of "beef" is "beeves". No joke! http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bee…
I'd happily back it if it was going to be released on XB1. That isn't going to happen due to IP rights, so I guess I won't back it.
I would sell all of you to work in the google search mines for a billion dollars. I wouldn't even hesitate. Damn, I'd love to be the owner of some startup that gets bought by these monsters for obscene amounts of money.
I played as a female Shephard in Mass Effect because the voice acting from Jennifer Hale was significantly better than the male counterpart. He got better as the games went on, but there's no way he was going to catch up to Hale.
On Kinect, the bundled Sports and Adventures games were the success stories, but every other Kinect-exclusive game absolutely tanked, from Child of Light to Fable: The Journey. Dance Central sold 2.5 million copies, but its two sequels got nowhere near that. As for Move, it evidently sold 15 million units, but only 35…
I love my XB1, but man, microsoft. Just get your shit together here. There is a reason Sony came thundering out of the gate, and it wasn't just the price tag and power.
And how many people on this site were going to buy this anyway? I didn't even know about it until the outrage started.
I put Anakin's "romance" up there with Jar Jar's level of annoying. Especially in Episode 2 when he was downright creepy.
I read a rumor today that the Epic Samaritan demo is an XB1 exclusive title published by MS, like the original Gears of War. We'll see how that plays out at E3, but I think that rumor is a little too hopeful. ;)
If the producers listened to me, the white walkers would have conquered half of the globe by season two so I could see ice zombie kings riding around on giant spiders fighting Sean Bean, the headless horseman of the north.
Don't sweat it. That's less than what Destiny cost to make, right? Yikes. Come on, Big N. Get it together. I'm getting a Wii U Mario kart 8 bundle. Hook me up!
That Salarian is pretty damn good, too.
This could easily be done by one person in UE4 which is significantly more friendly to small teams and individual artists. The guy who created the Temple of Time in this article could do it with more practice. This one, for example, was done by one person in a competing tool, Unity 3d:
This needs some varied texture work and more thought put into the lighting. The UE4 effects look decent because they always do, but the UE4 temple demo on mobile is a bit more developed: art wise and certainly lighting wise.
I see this is filed to"trolling". Could this not be filed to "dicks"? Or is that only for articles about actual penises, and not people who act like dicks?
Some of gawker's stuff is amazing (io9, gizmodo post sam biddle), which probably lures people back. Some of the articles are meant to cause arguments and outrage. I'm sure you've seen some of those bleed through when the links to other gawker sites pop up.
In an age where people only read headlines, it's a shame this headline focused on what might have been one of the worst movies of an accomplished actor.