
Came here to say exactly this! Let Timothee wear whatever he wants - isn’t this fancy tracksuit basically the same thing as Billie’s fancy alt-fit?

They are the same as the Trumps, we need to acknowledge this now and start ignoring them immediately (before one of them runs for office AS THEY HAVE HINTED)

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! Unreal 

No one is going to comment on the fact that she forced someone to take care of her child at their recereational event?! Good god she should be ashamed of herself - ‘needed the help’ - GFY you consumerism driven leech 

Absolutely hideous and that was before I saw the person attached to them

OK COME ON - leave Eva Peron out of this, she is nowhere near what is happening today - find a better example - there are TONS. Pretty coincidental you found a female example of this considering the amount of actually terrible males that could take your argument further.

Ok it IS a cheesy movie, but back in the 30s when he’s on the ferris wheel, there were several factors contributing to that act. Phones were not common (especially considering how poor Noah is supposed to be), and it was highly likely that you could never see someone again after meeting them. Therefore, while I agree

I think people are trying to be the ones who “see” the next pandemic before it’s confirmed - I know you likely haven’t seen one, but there will be a bigger one eventually (similar to the spanish flu) so again, I think we all want to be the one who saw it coming - more of a psychological effect that media outlets are

My name is Ellen Degeneres and while I worked extremely hard to get the platform I deserve, I insist on giving it to scum that are perpetuating consumerism, non-critical thought, and lies instead. #anythingforabuck

MMM, she still made it about herself though - also, fuck helicopters 

Out of curiosity, what piece are you looking to buy? I just think the whole line is so hideous, (as these celebrity lines typically are) that I can’t fathom what stands out

WOW PLEASE EVERYONE STOP REPORTING ON THIS ASSHOLE. This is so dangerous - no one with this mentality should have any type of platform or be acknowledged in any way. Ignoring is the best way to get people like him to GO AWAY and look in the mirror. Fuck this is terrifying.

Yeah if anything I would have expected him to be closer to 60s - it was more shocking to find out that jay-z is only one month younger than him

THANK YOU - maybe people would “get off [her] ovaries” if she didn’t deify them so much! 

Could they also be doing this to avoid his assets being seized in the event that he’s arrested and/or files for bankruptcy? Isn’t this the reason OJ moved to FL? I’m ignorant as to whether NY has the same thing in place but here’s what I found about OJ/FL:

I’m also not sure why any of it matters? Why do they care?? As in why don’t Harry and Megan just ignore all of it?

This is definitely not a new concept though - an old trope if anything. My friend and I love to play the “spouses or siblings” game and spoiler alert, they’re always spouses. Blah blah something about only being able to trust ourselves blah

OKKK lol it’s a little more inventive then ‘every other wedding menu ever’ - I realize that there are core concepts (like the surf or turf vibes) but honey, when is the last time you had a salt cod beignet, cured egg yolk, or whey braised cabbage?

Sorry but why isn’t this being treated more seriously?? If a man were openly masturbating in public, it would be treated for what it is - sexual assault. This woman deserves to be arrested not satirized.