
LOL - him and January Jones were together in like hmmm 2011?! Then he was with Wilde the rest of this time - it sounds like you’re just an Olivia Wilde stan - in fact, where are your sources regarding Jason’s cheating because for the entire time I’ve been visiting these sites, it’s never even been hinted so you must

THANK YOU! Jezebel, wtf? Praising extra-martial affairs only because women initiate them IS ALSO WRONG ya hypocritical dumb dumbs - seriously, imagine if it were a man cheating on and leaving his spouse for a much younger thing

Also Bardem as Desi??? Absolutely. not. unless he suddenly gets a smaller head and face (not knocking him overall - find him pretty attractive, but he is not nearly as dainty and peppy as Desi was)

Real question - if this is so widely acknowledged, then why don’t people look to elect administrations and/or people who actually talk about reforming healthcare? 

Boston at a mediocre college that focused on “the performing arts”

Thank you!!! And in the spirit of this article - can we all (jezebel and other blogs that give them attention primarily) just start IGNORING them - they get so much money and more endorsements off of the attention....just cut it all off Jez! We see that you are vying for clicks and its fucking insulting....or at least

Kris Jenner IS the female Trump - watch out...her ability to gaslight and spin is uncanny, probably even better but regardless, she’s dangerous

Yes also Adderral is meth.


Ok but did Oprah really have to put her logo on the billboards?! 

Reading this made me feel better though because I feel the same - thank you for voicing!!! 

I see people antagonizing the only female host there is out there right now - and for pretty minor offenses. 

Thank you!!!! When is the last time a male host was skewered for “being mean” - good god, and this the “feminist” website it claims to be (har har I realize the tag line includes the word “supposedly”, I just didn’t expect you all to take it so literally).

There is no point to my comment other than I love pointing out that both Reese Witherspoon and Gwyneth Paltrow’s daughters look like their fathers and sons look like their mothers - again, no opinion on it, just stating a fact I think is interesting.

Ok but when did we decide that it’s “himbo” and not “mimbo”??

FINALLY - I remember hearing the terms for the first time, looking around my coding class to see if anyone else found them odd, and no one seemed to mind. AFTER THEY TOLD US TO COMMIT TO MASTER YOU GUYS..........good god. 

This makes me love Topher that much more - he was easily the best part of the show anyway

Um he played “Seth” in Beethoven’s 2nd so you may as well cross out your comment

Strong disagree on the money bit regarding celebrity impact - the most powerful thing they can do is to lend their voice to issues and actively participate in protests, boycotts, and rallying