
Since you’ve lied about O’Reilly and Carlson being racist, I’ll return the favor...Michael Arceneaux washes his father’s penis while they shower together. See how easy that we’re both liars pushing fake news.

You are a complete joke.

You are a brainwashed, liberal, waste of can hit the door with that clown Obama.

Fuck all aesthetically disgusting feminists who blindly voted for Clinton. I’m so in love with my country right now.

You’re openly carrying water for the democratic party and it’s disgusting. Yes every Trump voter is a racist hillbilly, just like every Clinton voter is a homosexual urban cry baby who can’t accept reality...

Liberals that are still crying on the internet over the election literally make every Trump supporter’s day every single time you post garbage like this. Hillary lost because her campaign had no energy, in part because she just looks like an old witch and has little energy herself, and to top that off people wanted

It’s over Matt. The democrats got a reality check around election time, Obama’s gone and his “legacy” is largely based upon the color of his skin and his failed policies. Please, go to your safe space and shed your tears, it’s kind of embarrassing to watch a grown man cry...

You liberal clowns crack me up! You literally got screwed by your own political party which in turn got demolished when it came election time, and you’re still in denial. Keep posting and I’ll keep on laughing...

That ape should’ve known better than to mess with the white man’s woman.

Dumb n*gger.

You must mean a period of stability, f*ck globalism and the liberal clowns who pander that garbage. Please carry on with your socialist propaganda, I’m laughing as I watch your kind go the way of the Yugo.

She’s a medicore driver with the personality of a female bar fly, get your dick back in your pants...The Grand Tour is coming soon.

She’s a medicore driver with the personality of a bar whore, get your dick back in your pants...The Grand Tour is coming soon.

It’s because despite your own wishes, WASPs represent the majority of people in the US. When Hispanics become the majority, then we can all complain about their uniforms that will feature panchos and oversized cowboy hats.

Oh my goodness, these women are so brave...they like to tell what they believe is the truth, yet don’t like reading it when it pertains to them. The PC revolution is ending soon, feel free to call a bitch a bitch.