

Really? I would love to know how you think divorced botox’d drama queen crones that outside from Bravo watchers, 98% of people wouldn’t recognize - are on the same level as the Kardashians?

dude, she’s got a mall in her basement. she’s so cray but only the way she could be, I love it. (edit: JEZEBEL WROTE ABOUT IT YAY!)

sometimes there’s so much stupid in the world, I can’t take it.


Really? I feel like you could watch Housewives and get the same therapeutic experience (I Know I Do). I actually dislike Kris the most since I feel she is the puppetmaster. The whole family is gross, don’t want to give them my viewership. When I’ve watched the show for even just 5 minutes, my brain feels like it lost


they certainly treat their indigenous like crap.

ugh, michael bay is so gross. cant he go away with the rest of the other douchebag directors?

ugh I know. I’m cancelling people every other day now it seems for shit I didnt know about, it sucks.

Im sort of furious that Weinstein has been brought down before Bryan Singer. I mean, really? Weinstein had more power than Bryan Singer ever has! I have four theories it hasn’t hit mainstream yet:

the apocalypse would be psychologically easier, tbh.

everytime I see that woman’s face I want to punch it so hard. one million times.

You know who should be put on the spot? The people who have signed the petition supporting Polanski. There are so many prominent, respected names on there - David Lynch (Twin Peaks), Aronovsky (hey Jlaw, how you feel about that?) Scorsese (the biggest name on the list), Wes Anderson, Alexander Payne (upcoming film Down

ok, so I don’t know if this is true...but I have heard rumblings that janet jackson is going to join him on stage as a surprise and they are performing together. they (NFL? Pepsi?) anticipated the blowback and are okay with it apparently because the reveal will be that she’s there too...but we’ll see if that is

After these photos hit the internet a source for Ewan said ‘they’ve been separated since May’ - which is awkward, considering his wife has a pic on instagram of him playing the guitar on June 3rd captioning it ‘my lover plays the blues’

this is the movie that made 9yo me be like, fuck if I ever go near a volcano, fuck volcanoes.

sounds like you mad the good ol days are gone. adapt?

lol, you think cam is straight? cute.

;) they dont call her the Powerbeard for nuthin’....