
End all crappy articles and stupid people from commenting and you'd have no trolling. As long as differences in opinion exist, there will be trolling. And as people seem to get stupider by the day.... (insert happy troll song here)

Of course - Bush started all of the intelligence gathering. Remember one of Obama's many lies - close Guantanamo? Didn't happen, did it? Guess where lots of info came from? Guantanamo.

Microsoft will continue to offer a web browser even if the numbers are low. Owning the OS means being able to deliver more "out of the box" than it's competitors. Oh, that's right - no real competitors. Having loaded thousands of PC's over the years means one step less having IE built in - helps me get to FileHippo to

Sounds like your brain is still frozen, Fry! 5 billion in the hole in 3 years - never before in human history has that happened! And don't you blame BUSH for killing bin Laden? I DO!!! And why did the banks need bailing out? Bubba Clinton's sub-prime loan mess!

I'm guessing no one listed here has ever worked in a tremendous enterprise computing campus where "What browser" is dictated by "the powers that be". There are still many businesses that run their "middleware" via IE. My apologies for 3 decades of PC support experience and thousands of customers I've served.... There

Decrease means nothing - you stated an absolute - the death of IE. And so did I - IE AIN'T GOING ANYWHERE ANYTIME SOON!!!

Great. Pictures of the Worst President in US History screwing Americans. Just the shot in the arm America needed!

IE9 is far better than most other browsers available. Just add Fanboy's TPL's and voila - a finally secure (until someone breaks it of course) Internet Explorer!!!! And IE isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Only fools would think differently.....

You forgot dousing them with gas and setting them on fire. That'll learn 'em!

Have Earth command cut me an Eagle loose and I'll go look. Anyone wanna come with?

Nope. Defender is weak at best - it seemed very much like an afterthought by Microsoft to try to appease the masses.....

I have both Kaspersky and BitDefender on my Technogod USB flash drive under YUMI. They are the first pass on a known-bad system. They kill most everything that starts up with the system, allowing me to boot the OS for phase 2 - SuperAnti-Spyware!!!!! After a reboot from removing even more craptasticness, Phase 3 -

Time to pull out my copy of Team America : World Police in honor of this great passing... Perhaps his son will bring North Korea out of the 1920's and into the modern era - one can only hope - nuts follows family tree lines.....

Firefox 4? I believe 8 is the current version.....

Quick and simple? Fry a pound of hamburger, drain, make taco meat to directions. Split this in half - freeze half for another time. Make a box of mac & cheese - at the end, add the taco meat. TASTY AND QUICK! Plus, you've got meat ready for another box!!!

Looks like Gizmodo is becoming just as lefttarded as Reddit!

I agree. The "use nothing" suggestion is foolhardy at best... ClamXav works fairly well as a manual scanner - run the scan once a week to ensure your "Mac's don't get viruses" machine does indeed not have any!

Nope. They both run at the same time, watching all IO for illicit activity. Defender bogs the system down unnecessarily. This would be akin to running MSE and AVG at the same time. Serves no real or good purpose, even though some think - mistakingly so - that it does.

Switch to Microsoft Security Essentials - Defender sucks bilge water!

If I invaded, things would make much more sense than they have the past several months...