I’m a fan of your “work” on this site, but a steak without onions is not a steak. Signed a Chef/Philly native that 5 years ago moved to a way better place to live.
It’s just like real life. Uncle Tony wants the car at 2 am and some cash, and you give it to him once. Then you do it again. Then you’re bailing him out of jail. Then he calls you from a pay phone in philly looking for a steakhouse and a gun. You think to yourself that sounds like fun but I want my money. You give it…
Cats are wonderful judges of character. Want to be left alone? The cat is cool with you. Want to get all up in the cat’s business, try to force the cat to love you? You’re a kook and the natural instinct to swat or run for the exit kicks in.
Cats too? They're slightly more work than a houseplant and bring endless entertainment and bug killing.
Unfortunately, most of us don’t need to be told that law-enforcement resources and sympathies are strongly weighted against all social good, and toward right-wing fascism. And for the people who actually need to learn this, this proof will be meaningless. There’s no saving this country.
and just to be safe they escort Bernard Pollard from the stadium
I know how that feels. Yesterday I thought I had already taken the last step down the stairs... but there was one stair left.
An elite prospect can also make way more than $40k/yr playing for any number of US universities.
As history has shown, separate but equal categories is a proven method of achieving social harmony.
First they need to apologize for what they did to pizza.
You know - If I had to imagine the face of the guy who got fired for posting his farts... Yeah. Pretty much that guy.
“Don’t Zeke” is some solid advice.
I certainly chortled at the Matt-ness
This is just the pinnacle of good editing.
Our quarterback actually said these words:
The rest of the Browns must be pissed knowing all you had to do was ask.