
Devil’s advocate: If Lance is wrong that tolerance is a problem, then should people have to tolerate my obscure hobby of wheeling old people into the middle of the street and leaving them there to be run over? Extreme example, yes, but where is the line? What should and shouldn’t be tolerated?

Well, I’m a midwestern Missouri Synod Lutheran. My wife’s on birth control, I brew my own beer, and I enjoy a good cigar. I think we’d get along just fine! All the best, man.

I really do appreciate you sharing those terrible negative experiences and on behalf of those Christians (possibly in name only) I apologize. I’m saddened that when you think of Christianity, you think of all of that. I do my best to live according to Jesus’ commands of love God and love your neighbor, but I fail just

Blind disregard? I agreed they were tragic numbers that are cause for alarm. As for my example, it was simply put forth to illustrate that there is no way to implement a new gun control policy at this point, even if I agreed that there should be one. If you have an ideas, i’d love to hear them, as would everybody.

Speaking as a conservative Christian, I’m not going to sit here and say everything the GOP touches is gold. We are all fallen people and sin surely has a stranglehold over every last one of us. However, the main reason the party is so hated has nothing to do with their actual political prowess, or lack thereof. They

I agree, it is a very tragic number, and one that should spur a discussion about the gun laws in this country. I, personally don’t think that confiscating everybody’s guns will magically solve these problems. What do you suppose we do to decrease gun-related murders? It’s the person, after all, that decides he/she is

Ok, again, simply calling somebody an idiot or a “grifting shitbag” without any rationale makes the rest of your argument weak. Can you support your claims with facts that Americans with access to guns are more of a threat than radical Islam? I’d be interested to hear how you came to that conclusion (outside of

Ok, but calling them morons doesn’t even address the issue. That’s the classic ad hominem fallacy. Hypothetically, if Hillary Clinton made the same remarks and Al Gore supported them, do you think the media and yourself would have reacted the same way?

A lot of hilarious comments on here, but what is the big deal? Whether you are a liberal or a conservative, the statistics are true. Why do people take offense at this? Radical Islam is a real threat to America, yet ESPN and seemingly the majority of commenters here are offended. I’m genuinely curious, why do