The Truffle

You are really hung up on people with signs. I guess you hate traffic too.

Maybe you need to go back and reread people’s comments and suggestions. Just a helpful suggestion.

What hand-wringing? People here have talked about citizens who are energized to vote and run for office and get involved in various other ways. And you’re suggesting...what? A revolution to put Puritans in power? Really? As opposed to the Puritans we have now? Something similar happened in Iran. Didn’t make their

Staying home on election day got us the mess you describe.

Nobody said things are going great. And honestly? I think the left has grown tired of being nice and going high. (Finally.)

Noo Yawka here. The link doesn’t mention any immigrant rights groups here. Any good organizations here?

Which organizations are you involved with?

You are the left? Who knew?

AllenTapia just summed things up better than I could. There are lots of resources out there. I just linked to a few. Indivisible might have more ideas. Or come up with something yourself. Or continue to make strawman arguments.

I seem to recall reading that the Parkland kids started a voter registration drive in the aftermath of March for Our Lives.

Then nothing should stop you from doing something more substantial. And if you really think all the left has done is chant slogans for 20 years, I can’t help you there.

If you read more of the article, you will see links of other ways to get involved. So if you don’t want to protest, you can click the links. Or you can continue to hang around sneering at protestors. Whatever works for you.