
I really want to play a proper action game (like an FPS or a TPS) set in the Dune universe. There was a TPS back in the day, but from what I’ve seen/heard, it was terrible.

GTA Vice City and GTA V are AMAZING

It makes it easier to pronounce in Hungarian, so I really like that é in there

I agree with you. The point of this article seems to be that developers should go back to making simpler games because one person didn’t improve the design as much as the author wanted.

I’m really intrigued, but how is this going to be adult themed? Is it going to tackle mature topics? Is it gonna be violent? I can’t wait to see what an adult Transformers looks like.

The Lucky Luke one is SPOT ON!

Jesus Christ, could they try any harder than this? It’s like they took every franchise/branding/copyright they had, coupled with every passing trend and stereotype of “cool” they could find and put it in a blender.

I haven’t played to game, but it makes sense.

Already taken down.


It really shows how these big internet celebrities can influence the success and reception of a game. Pewdiepie not only reviewed the game, he set the opinion of his entire audience, because his fans are going to blindly follow his taste.

Unfortunately the game couldn’t hold my interest until the end, but the battle theme of XIII is actually one of my favorite video game tracks

This is a huge loss, they were my favorite site. Not just because their video reviews were of the highest quality, but their own content was great too.

I’ll readily admit that I used to pirate a shitload of games and you seem to be genuinely interested in the reasons behind this stuff, so feel free to ask me anything, Patrick.

What about people who can’t drink milk?

When I bought Brothers I thought it was a cute and imaginative little puzzle game, THEN IT CRUSHED MY FUCKING SOUL

I never really expected to like this game, but then I got it in a Humble Bundle for cheap and it became one of my favorite games ever. The story, the atmosphere and the light gameplay mechanic work together amazingly.

I fucking love Fist of the north star

I’m more of a Naoki Urasawa kind of guy, but Oda is one hell of a person when it comes to his work

This is the same frustration I have nowadays. I have less and less time to play video games, while they are only getting longer and longer. And the problem isn’t just length, it’s also value. I understand that I get more band for me buck, but that doesn’t mean much to me if 70% of that is filled with repetitive fetch