Sony really got the upper hand here because of things that already existed and were taken granted before, but regardless I'm proud of how they managed to come out of this E3.
Sony really got the upper hand here because of things that already existed and were taken granted before, but regardless I'm proud of how they managed to come out of this E3.
There's even BUBBLES? Is there something this game doesn't have?
Is this the real life?
Probably 4chan's doing, they love subtly editing Wikipedia.
I think he was a fun guy. You know, someone not so stuck in all the stock PR speeches, being genuinely excited.
Yes, it was fucking stupid, but it's only a rape joke if you see rape comments in goddamn everything.
I don't think that SM64 was the first 3D game ever, but it was certainly a big step forward in making the full switch to 3D.
Good to see the positive chane that article has made. You made a big difference in some game dev's lives, there should be more articles like this one.
I still don't have this new layout, can you turn it on somewhere manually?
It's freakishly expensive to release content/patches for your game on the Xbox.
I just want to know why. ;_;
They are completely excluding fans of the original games which had strong roots on the PC. It could be a fine game otherwise, altough I'm curious about the controls.
Can you guys hear all these potential customers? Me neither.
What I was afraid of. It looked beautiful, and sounded amazing on paper, but I had a feeling that it's going to be a restricted experience so it can kinda hold up those promises.
The song changes, and the doors are closed. I knew something was going super shitty right there. Martin can be a huge dick at times, but that's why we watch his show.
But Microsoft shouldn't get paid for used games. They are basically saying "If you can't afford a game for $60 at launch than you are not cool enough to play our TV-machine, also also please pay for this service so you can use paid services."
I've really been interested in design for a while now (especially since the huge boom in web apps and mobile apps), so I'm really looking forward to this.
"ordinary high school student who, through a series of events, encounters a mysterious girl"
Possible android version?
Which episode of Game Center CX features Iwata? I NEED to watch it