Terry's games might look like simple platform/puzzle thingies, but in reality, they are aimed at making a man out of you.
Terry's games might look like simple platform/puzzle thingies, but in reality, they are aimed at making a man out of you.
I know you hear this a huge lot, but what's your best advice to someone who wants to get into game development?
Quick, somebody pass me a 3DS so I can play this!
"with friends of varying levels."
This thing with looking at games with the eyes of people who have never played them seems to be a very funny thing.
PlayStation 4, which is actually a stream gaming service for the Vita, Uncharted 4: Drake's An Awesome Panda Tamer, which is a prequel (Move only), Gaming VR goggles, with Kanye West Happiness Interceptor being the first exclusive.
Damn, I really want to read those books but they don't seem to be available in Hungary, and ordering them through Amazon is pretty pricey even from the UK.
I'm quite interested, I used to be really into WWII stuff, and I only got bored with it because of the overload of WWII games, but now that the trend sort of calmed down, I might be interested in going back once more.
This is what all kids should be encouraged to do. Their creativity should run wild while it can, and it shouldn't be burnt out like in the case of most adults.
Goddamn, that was supercool.
I'm definitely leaning towards being this kind of person. My knowledge and experience always took the biggest leaps when I taught myself. Somehow the pace in school doesn't always fit me.
Agreed. All three seasons were cool.
I am actually playing it. It's so cool ;_;
I'm OK with having serious games, they have been around since forever basically.
I wanted to go to Staffordshire for game design, but I just couldn't make it financially. I decided to work for a while at a game company here in Budapest to save up as much money as I can, and I got a place offered, but in the end, my savings didn't seem to support a safe transition.
Oh my god, I can't express the disappointment.
But I thought that the iPad was 4 iPhones ducktaped together!
I love Mass Effect, but it just doesn't seem as interesting. James Vega was not the best choice for a character, he seems like one of those stereotypical dude-bro marine characters.
Oh my god that jacket is just too sweet. I would be the smoothest nigga around the block in that.