
This is the best proofreading comment ever.

Fucking a man. Burn them all.

Better pay your tithes.

Its an issue that should be shed a spotlight on. Ed Greenwood was incensed enough to comment on it before the publication of this article. Saying that the problem was nonexistent until Kotaku stepped in is ridiculous because it was already making the rounds prior to this. And, if you haven’t read Ed’s opinion on this

So why is this one bit of throwaway dialog getting so much attention?

Poor writing is poor writing. I’m not arguing that point. It is just difficult for me to see a world where this would cause an “SJW” controversy if the character was your boilerplate male character.

There is a way to talk about it but it is rare to find a productive conversation on the internet. I won’t give the time of day to GGer for example, and perhaps that’s on me. But also when people get up in arms over a topic like this I always look for perspective. In this instance would people be angry if it was just a

Fuck All Video Games Forever

Ed Greenwood would argue otherwise with these people.

Didn’t Ed Greenwood also respond to this? Yeah, here’s his Facebook Post:

Also, why are these vanity projects given coverage? I imagine most people would find something like this repulsive.

What a waste.

I don’t think this is true but I desperately want it to be.

No. Its literally in their faces.

God, how many times I used that excuse.

NO. Angry nerds are the worst thing in the world.

+1 For Ancient History. Tophet.

Still can’t believe Hannibal managed to cross this range.


That some tread on those wheels.