
Jump in whenever there’s a sale. Pillars is fantastic, just keep an open mind and give it an honest shot, but fair warning you could totally bounce off of it. Now that I think about it, XCOM 2 could probably go a long way into easing you into isometric games.

Turns out 700 bones for a phone is perhaps a bit overpriced.

Yeah, I fucking hate people who use “PC Culture” as a scapegoat for their shitty bigoted humor or opinions.

It seems people do not understand how the court process works. Gawker will appeal this in front of a judge and the Florida jury’s judgment will be undone. Its kind of hard to to tie down Gawker in this situation, you know because of the First Amendment.


I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about how rendering that level idea in a 3d space in a 3d game would be prohibitively expensive. OP mentions he doesn’t like how the isometric viewpoint makes the avatars disappointingly small.

Unfortunate reality of game development. Rendering that level design in 3d would probably blow through Obsidian’s budget.

It seems no one remembers Flynn.

God, I imagine this happens to countless players. The price for loyalty I suppose.

Aren’t comment sections grand?

But in all seriousness, I have a really bad feeling that this game is going to be starved for content a la Destiny. That’s why I’m tentative about getting it. We’ll see what reviews say. Oh wait they’re not letting outlets get their hands on review copies, another red flag I guess.


The break at 6 minutes is fucking stone cold.

This is good Kinja.

That gif is all sorts of golden.

Rovell’s a fucking nerd.

Yennefer’s outfit is fantastic.

Aw man, nooo.

Song of the the Deep is also another thing they are publishing. Insomniac is developing the title.

He does seem to jump in as quickly as he can. Its a bummer he couldn’t prevent the last few punches.