Purdie Shuffle

….if she isn't already… said episode, will the final scene find her staring into a snowglobe as we realize the entire series was but five years of her internal musings? :^)


…it was ALMOST…..DOCTOR….."strange…"

Hmm….maybe so the world isn't instantly destroyed by a simple 'on' switch and an ACME-sized, bright red button with a skull on it?

….George Clooney with a mullet??

It's not about anyone disagreeing with your opinion that I'm talking about. I generally like Tarantino, but tailoring your criticism to the blind fans of his work doesn't say anything of your critique. I wouldn't place 'Inglorious' and 'Django' in the 'Grindhouse' category' and MOST fans of his AREN'T big 'Death

Nice two long sentences.

" It's not really that snide"

Let me ask this, @soulhonky, What do you mean by the snide comment "It's Tarantino being Tarantino so people will eat it up?"


It's cued up for me as the next episode to watch. I'll reply after I've seen it!

MAYbe….from what I've read, 'Iron Fist' is having problems on the production front…

I consider myself pretty 'here-it-comes' savvy at this point when it comes to watching episodic television….but I REALLY did NOT see that elevator scene coming.

I agree that this episode doesn't pan out as much as the first, but I WANT THIS DAMN SOUNDTRACK