
Apple phones are still easy as hell to disassemble compared to Samsung or worse Sony. As for the MPB the last one I've worked on was the Retina and it was far easier than anything from Dell, Asus and Acer. That's not even taking parts into effect. Sourcing parts for Apple laptops hit and miss and sometimes you get the

I don't think we saw the same movie. Sucker punch was basically an erotic fan fic and was creepy AF even back when it came out.

I loved most seasons of The 100 but don't click with s06. I made it through EP. 3 or 4 but you've motivated me to try again.

I find it very meh. It's visually stunning and it's Star Wars so that keeps me coming back but it takes me 3-4 attempts to get through 1 episode and we're talking 33-38 minutes long episodes. I can't connect with any character and Mando is a blank slate for now.

Never have I read a more douchy comment since the Rick and Morty copypasta. Probably you. Never amounted much in life but feel like an misunderstood genius that doesn't follow "the rules" like other shepple.

Its a special kind of period in humanity's span that a connection problems with our mugs an ruin our day. I love it. 

The only reason why pretty much anyone would know Svalbard is because of the global seed vault. Saying the American education system is lacking because the author felt it was needed to mention that it’s a real place is like saying you’re uneducated for not knowing about Anticosti (if you do good for you).

Get a phone with 4000+ mAh and you should be ok. I'm a power user and I haven had to charge my P30 pro until I go to bed. I sometimes go a day and a half. It also gives from 20% to over 80% in about 20-30 minutes.

The only phone that made me jump from the s8+ was the Huawei P30 pro. In Canada I get access to the okay store and it's been the best phone I've owned since the P10 pro.

Sex is scientifically determined. Gender is a set of norms.

Or cars are BORROWING roads that could be put to a much better and ecological use if they were bike paths, walkways and tram lines.

First couple seasons were great but they admitted that they were improvising after and that they had no idea about why the characters did what they did.

I predict a future where all my clothes are connected but use different protocols and I get my rideshare alert in my 250$ jacket but it's on the chair but it's ok because I also get it from my connected iSocks, active trouser TM, Nike+ t-shirt, Herschel Connex beany, H&Mobile scarf all at once in a cacophony of

Gravity sure but Firefly for realism. Just the artificial gravity and vague propulsion makes it a no no. Now if you had said The Expanse then yes.

I think we get comfortable with our gadgets shortcomings very quickly especially when we are made to believe that there is no alternative. I’ve been using a S8+ for a little over 1 year and the battery wasn’t great. I’m a heavy user and I had to charge it mid day or else I wouldn’t make it home. To me that was how it

Im all for that as I share mine but when you sign up they tell you repeatedly that it's users that live at the same address. I can't be angry at them for enforcing that. I do think that they should offer a premium friend plan at a price point of about 24.99$ with 6 users. 

I miss those two and I’m really happy that they have both become succesful and critically respected authors. It was always a joy to read articles from Charlie and Annalee. My step dad always says he was born to early and that his identity doesn’t fit in the world but people like Charlie and Annalee give me hope that

That was a fascinating read. I'm a developer and my hardware knowledge is limited but I'd love to learn more. 

I didn’t know that perfumes were safe for human consumption. All reputable e liquids are made with a mix of vegetable glycol, propylene glycol, water and flavoring from the food industry. 

The reporting on this is unnecessarily alarmist about regular vaping. Unless you're dumb you know that vaping isn't good but you also know it's better than cigarettes. I vape discretely and buy my liquids from reputable stores and companies. Those kids were extracting oil from weed with solvents which is far from