The Tragic Farce

Monkey plague. So hot right now. Monkey plague.

This comment board is long since dormant, but I'm re-watching TNG and just wanted to remark that this episode had an incredible effect on my childhood.  Not because it was a particularly good episode - I think all the criticisms are well justified - but because of Sarek describing Spock's childhood.  When Sarek talks

Agreed. No comment about the quality of the CGI, but I'll be damned if the ecstatic stoned smile on Boromir's face doesn't crack me up.  He's just so freaking happy.

Yeah, you know - they ask you to turn off all portable electronics and non-theistic belief systems during take-offs and landings.

@avclub-b0dae075785888267fc19871f3e7dab7:disqus I thought that was the point of Ziggy: that he wasn't believable as anything because he was a walking fuck-up.  He was a fuck-up at being a blue-collar worker, he was a fuck-up at being a bad boy. He had high ambitions but could never actually DO anything right. He never

No, we can see that it exists…we just won't think it's a documentary.

Frenemies with benefits!