
Masochist tv! Yes. That tends to be my jam. I’ll start hash tagging that from now on. I’m glad someone else enjoys ‘enjoys’ those shows with me.

It’s a tough show. I think we’re conditioned to expect some glimmer of hope or light at the end of the tunnel but this was just a death march. It ends and everyone is miserable and there’s no real redemption. Just like ‘life sucks!’ and that’s that. Which I’m okay with, it was rough, though.

The whole time I sat down watching it, I thought the storytelling was so well done. Nothing contrived, just heartfelt and mean and inspiring like life can be. Though the real love story of the show I’d say is between Clare and Catherine and that of sisterhood.

Actually, now that I think about it, the only way this could get any cooler would be to add Patricia Clarkson to the cast as a kookie something or another.

It is probably the most depressing show on Netflix outside of Southcliffe and I love depressing shows. I needed therapy after Southcliffe.

I glanced at the picture and thought it was Geralt and thought “what the hell happened to him?” Whoo.

I feel like the romance was like ‘eh’. It’s been a while since I watched the first season but I feel like that’s an accurate description. I don’t think it was necessary to the show, really.

Elisabeth Moss, Gwendoline Christie and Nicole Kidman. I was already going to watch the shit out of this. I am now going to super watch the shit out of this. Can it be more depressing than the first season? Probably! I’m pumped.

This whole situation is depressing.

I love how she goes from a lovable scamp to ‘oh shit, it’s over’. Very cute. And here I thought I was over my love for asari. Her lip stain looks great, though. Looks like it was plucked right out of sephora. In other words: great graphics. Let’s hope Andromeda gives us better hair options for our protagonist than

I know I’m probably in the minority here, but I hope that soon we get to a place where we can smell the environments we’re in. Whether that’s garbage or mutants or gasoline. Immersive and disgusting fun!

I loved ME3, did not love DAI. None of the choices in DAI felt meaningful. I know a lot of people felt the same way about ME3 and it all came down to three different colors but DAI felt too easy for me. There was nothing emotional and after Haven, there was nothing at stake. You were going to win. By the time you got

I’m with you on that. DA2 wasn’t perfect (recycled environments anyone?) but they went the complete opposite direction. They looked at Skyrim and were like “hey, people liked that! Let’s make that!” Except Bioware isn’t Bethesda so it just felt like a poor imitation. What makes Bioware games special is that they’re

Bummer, thanks for the feedback. Maybe this is one that I’ll have to wait until it gets dirt cheap to pick up. I really want to get excited about a new game now that Uncharted 4 is over but Mass Effect is so far away... I need a Bioware/ Infamous Second Son kind of fix. And to finish Witcher 3 already.

I really want to play Mirror’s Edge 2 but for whatever reason I was painfully awful at the jump to wall, flip in mid air and grab the wall behind you thing that I couldn’t get very far in the first game. I should probably save my pennies and frustration unless something has drastically changed?

It’s intentional. It symbolizes how absent he is from his marriage.

I absolutely agree. That to me would have been more rewarding and more realistic. Also, she would have still been able to browse through their accomplishments and find out about their adventures.

Yeah, I really wanted Chloe, Elena, Cutter and Sully to be the ones to finish this out with Nathan, not a new character who was nothing we haven’t seen before (and was previously never mentioned!). One day, I might let this go...

Wow, I’m so happy to be reading these comments. My friend and I were ranting and raving while we played and couldn’t believe all the acclaim it was getting for masterful story telling and positive adult relationships when there was so much wrong and unhealthy everywhere.

Thank you so much for this. I had to create an account just to give you a star. I’ve been perplexed by some of the narrative choices taken in this game. A brother that has suddenly been retconned and no one ever mentioned is the star of the last game? Not to mention how the writers brushed so many things under the