
I know. I saw the trailer, forgot about it, decided to read the book and then watched the trailer again. WTF. Why not set it in England? I imagined everyone with English accents and then was so annoyed that they were all American. I can’t imagine it having the same feel. Eh.

Damn. I really wanted to watch this movie.


I think ‘ever’ is appropriate! But he really is. And I like Hill-Dawg as Furiosa because you know she’s done some shit but she’s well intentioned and can get shit done.

Is this covered by the Season Pass? I’ve never seen a season pass with this much bang for your buck.

Are you in Alaska or Maine? (or none of the above). Love alligators but definitely don’t want to chill with them. Or polar bears. Or a moose when her little babbies are near.

I was thinking this morning that Orlando is the new Hellmouth, but yes, reading Pearl with a Girl Earring’s comment, it’s also Australia. WTF.

Chocobo rights now.

Walk your ass over to prison. You don’t shoot someone through a closed door four times in self-defense. What a pathetic pity grab. Let’s hope it doesn’t work.

This whole election is insane. Any time I talk to anyone about politics, I keep discovering that they might have been taken over by pod people. The conversation always starts “I know Trump is really bad... but honestly, I don’t know who to vote for this election cycle or if I should sit it out.” People who I assumed

The demo was awful. I used to be a hard core Final Fantasy fan (that said, despite Tactics being my favorite one, I couldn’t get into XII). I don’t know if I’ve just outgrown the series? I’ve gotten into the Bioware and Witcher brand of generally more mature storytelling. That said, I had been waiting for this game

I thought Southcliffe was way more depressing than Happy Valley! In a different way. I tthnk the sadness of Happy Valley is more intimate. That said, I think the second season of Happy Valley is far less depressing than the first if that’s encouraging? Except the strain between Catherine and Clare. That made me cringe.

As someone who works in the criminal justice system, what I can say is that while people do tend to be charged (at least in the county I work at) for possession, it tends to be more related to the crimes committed while under the influence, stealing from businesses, breaking into homes, driving under the influence,

Please let it be at least as good as Maximum Carnage.

I’m writing something in that arena too. Guess everyone loves a good android story. Cheers!

Hell yeah! Enjoy!

Happy stories are definitely that.

Most of my favorite books take place during world war 2 (The Glass Room, City of Women, Trapeze, etc). My work also tends to be extremely depressing so it really takes a lot to make me go ‘too far!’. Or maybe I’m used to it now. Who knows? But I’m happy I’m not the only weirdo that dwells/ is fascinated with the dark.

Masochist tv! Yes. That tends to be my jam. I’ll start hash tagging that from now on. I’m glad someone else enjoys ‘enjoys’ those shows with me.

It’s a tough show. I think we’re conditioned to expect some glimmer of hope or light at the end of the tunnel but this was just a death march. It ends and everyone is miserable and there’s no real redemption. Just like ‘life sucks!’ and that’s that. Which I’m okay with, it was rough, though.