Secret, anonymous messages aren’t just for the dastardly. Luckily, a little privacy isn’t difficult to get. With…
Secret, anonymous messages aren’t just for the dastardly. Luckily, a little privacy isn’t difficult to get. With…
There’s a reason the words timeshare and scam often go together: in most cases, buying a timeshare is a bad…
That's it! That's what I wanted to say. Any idea on a origin for the saying?
See, I thought that there were three things all wise men fear:
A similar quote by Rothfuss is, “There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Thanks Uber. I had completely blocked out Kids Cuisine. Those things tasted like total shit. Remember the awful fucking brownies? It was like ash in your mouth.
Don't you knock on my Bubble Tape and GoGurt. I used to freeze those GoGurts and pretend they were frozen yogurt. I would eat them almost everyday age 11-14.