Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo

You’re overqualified for office.

My car takes premium, I can still get it for about $3.60 at Safeway.

The 323, of course!

Let’s just put 660 hp in this instead:

My new life’s goal is to be so bad at my job that someone will pay me a handsome amount to not work.

Regular Driving-cars-in-circles Reviews

I would have told those people that it was a biohazard we chose to dispose of.

It sucks that this guy gets another 8 figures for being crappy, but this is a tiny bit of karma upon Louisville for rehiring him.

Our Vibe is, obviously, the same way. Durable disposable plastic, but cheap, loud, and slick. Much prefer the carpeted cargo in my other car.


Damn, what a gem. I almost wonder if you should hang onto it a little longer... Could be worth a small fortune sooner than you think.

Negotiating with a private party is much easier, because they are not trained salesmen. It’s no skin off a dealer’s bones if a car sits for another day on their lot. Someone will buy it eventually. But the guy whose wife is tired of having 5 cars at their condo when he only drives one 99% of the time, who has already

I assume making innocent small-talk without having a full head of hair.

Does the balding make the takes... MORE hot?


Just because it’s old doesn’t mean it’s bad!

JD Powah

2 grand

First wreck: pretty bad but I was unharmed. Got right back in the driver’s seat the next day.