Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo

I suspect some companies (all of them) will also reserve the right to film you while driving and track your data usage and spending habits, and then sell that information to various corporate entities and advertising firms for some fat bucks. After all, it's not even your car...

I think I'd totally entertain the idea of "subscribing" to a cool car every month or two... But at what point would it just be cheaper to rent or use Turo? I think you've got a potential business model going there, though...

Those are some smart millennials 

What’s not easy about keeping your cat indoors? Unless you’re too lazy to clean the catbox and you’re one of those people who let’s their cat shit in your neighbor’s garden...

I miss dieselgate already.

The key factor here is that he is still not funny. The attempt at a comeback will take care of itself.

But... He's in a Skoda! He's dialed into the common man!!!

Photogrpahs of the rear intentionally omitted for obvious reasons...

But aren’t ALL people “legitimate?”

Hipsters are yesterday’s news. We’re all about the techies now.

Seattle = add 5 grand to whatever car you want.

The only real mystery left is whether they buy an Outback or Crosstrek. The suspense kills me!

On the plus side, those pets no longer have to hang out with Lena Dunham

Agreed, we can lament but not legitimately protest. Manufacturers don’t deisgn cars for second-hand owners.

Drum brakes are Satan

[raises hand]

Beautiful car, but all rebuilt titled cars get a CP from me.

Well there’s your problem

Truly awful