Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo

1. Oh yeah. That was a painful lesson for me too first time I went to a dealer. If anything, they have zero incentive to lower their price now that they’re not gonna squeeze you for extra cash through payments over X years. I later read that you should agree on a price and keep your method of paying close to your

The reverence surrounding F&F at times is bizarre. I also distinctly remember them running four consecutive nostaglia posts last year.

This is a useful map for peripheral pedophiles

Because that would be sexist

Sweet Q5/3/7/9/BBQ

This was more of a comment, really.


21st is worth celebrating? Something something participation trophies...

Happened to me all the time with my first pickup. I bought a canopy just to stop people from doing this. It was my only vehicle and it was a little Toyota... :(

Okie dokie then.

I’m always impressed with people’s unwillingness to buy a decent meh car for cash and fart around in it while their financial situation improves.


We bought one a few years ago. Outside of some lightbulbs, it’s been dead reliable. No-frills. It’s just a Corolla hatchback with a loud and slow 1ZZ.

Caption: photo pulled off of google from wherever

I don’t think I’ve ever seen or noticed one before seeing that photo. Maybe it helps, as I hear visibility in that thing is bigly bad.

But muh ICON investments

Now I can’t stop looking


It’s a mirror