Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo

I would have to show this not to my racist uncles, but my racist and blind aunt.

Hmm... The Smiths. A talking trash can. Poor analysis of syncing...

Blaze of glory was not meant to be taken literally.

HOAs HATE him!

I don’t see the brag part, just a body of text illustrating the beatdown I got.

They are fun beater cars. I’ve owned three. EL gear in 4WD could go through anything.

Looks good doesn’t it? Unfortunately it was a nightmare. Bought it as running project, fixed a few things, struggled to fix others, but more importantly: everything that had worked just stared to fail. Broke down three times. Fuel line at one point separated and sprayed gas on a hot engine, luckily didn’t catch on


Adobe Pro DC!

Letter 1:

I often consider breaking the ribs of people I disagree with, but usually I just go back inside and open another beer.

I had a loaner 2017 RX for about a week a few month ago. Had maybe 2k miles, so it did drive like a cloud. Everything was shiny and new. Visibility was not bad at all. I’m so stuck in my ways that I found it easier to park by turning my head instead of using the backup camera. I do think it’s a little too high for

Panoramic sunroofs are the new LED strips.

I’ve read this twice now and still don’t understand the “why.”

Me, a few years after I got fired from my high school job.

Louis CK in regards to sex reminds me of Chris Rock’s material (pre-divorce) on marriage: methinks the lady doth protest too much.

This will make Jkm so happy

I don’t see the originality. You yourself say its design is derivative of RR, in addition to the fact that this is closely related to the F Pace. This is the RX 350 for people who wouldn’t be caught dead in an RX 350.

It probably offends people who lease or something.