Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo

The perfect SUV for people under 5' tall. Headroom schmedroom.

Gif thief

Alternative random facts

She must be upset that she hasn’t eaten a cheeseburger in six years.

How morbid.

It’s a tough question. On one hand, they did try to get him in the men’s league but were denied due to the school statewide standard of gender identity via birth certificate only.


How sad! We had been told for years that Cuban was one of the hip young cool billionaires, and not a petulant child with no sense of humor.

I didn’t know “openly-gay” was a term that survived past the 90s.

The NFL apologists and “shut up and play” analysts (Dave Wyman) are going use this story to death to illegitimize claims of other actually-affected players.

What a thug

Needs more hashtags



Too further complicate matters, if you are a laborer you’ll find that decent boots with which to strap are also very expensive.

A bigger garage :(

In hindsight, if they made that movie today, it would be slaughtered.

This 37 year old pickup is the best value you can buy TODAY!

I suppose I wouldn’t cut it in an industry that benefits from advocating bad financial decisions.

Who is your guy’s editor? They should probably look for a different career.