Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo

“Liberalize the season”

Them’s fightin’ words

Looks cramped back there

Please send me that toy

Just like Bart’s other two friends in The Simpsons.

Two years ago, we won gift cards from the Christmas party to Applebee’s. I was thinking, “Oh great, but who’s going to pay for my Tums, Tylenol, and trip to the walk in clinic the next day?”

A $750 dollar card that can only used at a dealer is like getting a free meal voucher from a restaurant that just gave you food poisoning. “Sorry about all the pain we caused you — hope to see you soon!”

“I’ll fellate?” If it will increase product rate, I support that.

There were reports that he has movements in all 4 limbs at halftime, yet I’ve seen nothing official reported in the last 2+ hours about it...

Sounds interesting, except for the Sandra Bullock part.

Seems like a Mack Brown situation to me — asked to step down to maintain his dignity and whatnot. Though I think VaTech may find that the grass is not always greener.

“So here’s the deal. You have to pull your head out of your butt and propose to me before your birthday. Got it?”

That setup has the potential to produce a sticky situation

Good decision. It’d be like you buying a miata.

Local radio hosts here in Seattle are still blasting the Boys for enabling a woman beater while ignoring the elephant in the room known as Frank Clark.

This is the most first-world first world problem I have ever read about.

Good idea — waste everyone’s time and cause more agony for both parties.

It’s just another post inviting people to shit on other brands. This always turns out well.

I blame myself for reading this. I mean, I knew it was going to be bad, but I was sure I was prepared for whatever depraved views were coming my way. But nah. I was wrong.