Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo

How, um, empowering...

Remember men: if you’re ever having a moment of weakness, tell your wife, because the internet is cruel.

The radio screen on my base Tacoma is still 8”... wow

Jim Moore... how is this man employed? And for that matter Danny O’Neil or Dave Wyman, both of which are shills for the Sea hawks front office.

Known in the legal lexicon as the Bill Cosby defense version 4.3

George Clooney?

“Professionals.” My assumption is that they will teach the students damage control, maybe even offer tips on how and where to commit crimes with no real consequences.

Wait a tick — Bruce Wayne is Batman?!?

Do you consider it a possibility that when ESPN identifies where a player is hospitalized, they use various connects and make financial offers to some lower staff member to illegally rally them personal medical information so they can print a break the big news themselves? Sounds almost too cynical but really, would


Rx-8 seems to be a well loved car... I see them everywhere, many well kept.

That is so awful. They look glued on

Just like always.

Whatever happened to, “I just want to thank Jesus?”

Well it is pretty transparent, which is better than nothing. “Alright, we lost this battle, let’s move on to something else and not piss off moderate voters any longer. But hey don’t worry, far right people, I’m totes about your religious freedoms too! *mumbles* but we’re trying to win an election here.”

Well you’re in luck!

Isn’t that taken from the nature video where the Japanese hornets slaughter the entire hive of European bees? :(

Beyond tasteless.

The quality of this site is really sinking.

Sandler and Panhandler don’t really rhyme.