Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo

Let's not rule out Stephen A. reminding us about provocation!

I actually enjoyed the game. These help balance opposite slopfests like Indy digging it's own grave only to climb out for a zany win with a lot of points. Before these last two weeks, eople complained about Thursday Night shitshows and blowouts... Basically football fans will complain about everything. Manning only


I guess he really is black enough after all.

They get a free General Studies degree!

As soon as I read that it was open-casket with her blatantly "refurbished" as a man, I just... Wow.

The prelude is awesome... I can't believe you dropped it for a mini!

Just another way to control people. We will ruin your life if you don't play ball. Also a tactic used by internet "heroes" that find an offensive twitter post, track down the person, shame them, get them fired, ostracize them locally, you know, ruin their lives because they were offended.


No. Stop. STOP. Please do not remind me of Ty. Now I need a beer.

U-Dub fan here: yes.

Good Lord. The lengths some people will go for an anonymous cheap shot

In 2006, Seahawks fan chanted, "Charlie! Charlie!" in favor of benching Matt Hasselbeck for Charlie Whitehurst...

Does she really believe that Havoc is alive, surviving on its own wits in a large wooded area, besting the elements of all four seasons? That would be pretty incredible.

What episode was this?

As I have gotten older, I have learned to never complain about the trials of being a man (who is also white...). My wife is a bartender, and customers stalking employees, cat-calling publicly, and physically touching, grabbing even, women (including her) is absurdly common. Keeping in mind these are just things that

Historically, a bunch of aggressive white men surrounding a black man yelling, "Lynch! Lynch!" warrants this kind of response.

I was being tongue-in-cheek about people wanting navigation instead of risking getting lost or stuck in traffic.