Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo

Why is navigation so important? Where's your sense of adventure?

Who the hell watches the NFL Network?

Dat carnage

You are what makes deadspin great

Try keeping this thing running.

And Deadspin running three Lynch "stories" in one day...

Media treats Marshawn like shit
Marshawn won't talk to media
Marshawn criticized for not talking to media by media
Media runs story how management is tired of Marshawn
Media then pokes bear with a stick with predictable results
Let the games resume.

Seattle is letting an awful lot of sensitive information intentionally leak these past two weeks. They weren't going to keep Lynch anyway, but now their letting us all because he's a bad bad man instead of it just being about money, which is what it was about long ago. This organization is purging out those deemed

Same. Ever been to Rexburg? (Home of BYU-Idaho)? It makes Provo look liveable.

My wife's second car was an '87... That thing was surprisingly reliable. I guess it had to be since it was ugly, slow, and really cramped...

This is so awful I couldn't even finish the entire article. These people are insane... And dishonest. I have more respect for the unapologetic bigots [[[by comparison only mind you!]]] than the ones who make up bullshit and twist the language for an agenda whilst not outright admitting "yeah, I just don't support this

Something something Porsche

This sort of explains more of Tates undisguised dislike of Percy when he left the team in April for the Lions

What the hell, Deadspin?

Very nice

Good job, now it looks worse than shit.

Was watching the game with my old man, and there's nothing else to say but that was one hell of a fucking catch.

That man is too old to be wearing his hat like that.

Conversely, when getting his hair actually ripped off his skull, Marshawn Lynch is heavily criticized for not complaining to the media