Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo

That's... something! Right?

Women beating, child beating, and now this???

But the cousin is just playing the opposite. As an example, Tom had a cousin that was deathly afraid of mice.


Pretty flimsy.

Wow. So disappointed. Was hoping Ray would throw Gooddell under the bus, claiming he had full knowledge of the incident and had seen the tape before initially giving him 2 games, but then sacrificed Ray after the bad PR.

Wow, big ranked school beating the shit out of a cupcake. That describes over half of all non conference games.

What exactly IS there to be said for supporting American luxury? This should not be a priority of a car buyer.

Ray Rice probably knows the league saw the tape as well. Armed with the knowledge plus being highly motivated due to being in indefinite limbo, I wonder if Rice will try to take Gooddell down with him in a blaze of flaming garbage.

Slavery is becoming the new Godwin's Law on the internet

It's clear we have took many people who didn't look at the photos or read some of the indictment, or don't want to. My mother used to smack me across the face here and there when I got sassy, but nobody left a bunch of wounds or drew blood or even bruised me. And I sure as hell wasn't 4 years old. What the fuck is

Not to rock the boat, but at least their consistent with the so-called purity stance. It's not like what another commenter posted here, where two smokers insisted that a week in a tanning bed caused their friend immediate extreme cancer. Or perhaps a more relevant example, "Who knows what their putting in those

Very well written.

That's just sportsmanship.

- Richard Sherman

Those are very nice breasts.

Sorry, I never had that tape.

Screw the car, let's talk more about that lovely woman.

Washington State resident here: gas is expensive as fuck. Holding steady between 3.79 and 4.09 for the majority of summer.

I can drive 12 miles north to an Indian Reservation and get gas for 3.64... That's some serious savings.


Yes! He was the most overhyped husky in recent memory. Why would the puget sound care about two AFC teams? :(