
Wow, it’s almost like the protests, like the national anthem itself, have nothing to do with the troops and everything to do with the dehumanization of black people. Who knew!

Toys’R’Us didn’t really compete though. I always remember them being more expensive than their competitors.

They should also take away your achievements and give them to a player with a white character who didn’t earn them.

Goes without saying, but: he should be fired and prosecuted.

Jesus fucking christ, is his ex wife a 14 year old experiencing social media for the first time?

And my reaction to people acting like McCain is a hero is like

I have a great idea.

It was a gag, sure, but Dr. Disrespect violated Battlegrounds’ mandate against “team kills”—a bannable offense. Battlegroundsrules read, “Do not team kill: there is no excuse for non-accidental team kills. If your teammate is breaking these rules, report them to us instead.”

So, if his parent had come by and overheard “I could kill you, go get my gun”, he’d be well justified to shot that motherfucker, right?

I feel so bad for this kid and his parents. I really do. Having said that, why would anybody want to go to North Korea? Serious question.

And this is why I would never, EVER, seriously consider living in New York city.

Nah, I actually think this is what most players want. Current Destiny is a mess in terms of balancing, economy, leveling, and pretty much everything involving gear.

The thing I really want to know is: why can’t we restore our civilization with someone else’s babies?

I have a thousand hours in Destiny, and I am totally OK with this. Destiny was not Mass Effect. It’s not like my character made decisions that affected the story (what little story there was). I’m totally cool starting over in what I hope is a more story-driven, character-focused game!

I take no joy in this. Despise the woman but I do feel for her children who never asked for this.

I have to say, this feels like a real win for Kotaku, GameStop, and journalism in general. Nicely done.

I understand what you are saying, but I’d imagine that to a black person, a white guy waving the Confederate flag is a message of “I wish that you black people were once again property of white people.”

Just sayin...

Yeah, in her defense, 13.1 miles is a long-ass way to run. I wouldn’t want to do it either.