
No, they simply never died. They just became less relevant. Oh but they are still very much around and stiill very much obsessed with all the bullshit they were obsessed with back at the start.

I mean, Gamergate IS the alt-right, isn’t it? Whiny pissboys who want to see the world burn because a girl was mean to them once?

I don’t like politics in my video games!

You mean to tell me that Donald Trump has chosen to associate himself with people who have been involved with failed, fraudulent businesses and open racism?

Concise title reads, “Vegans are pissed”. It really doesn’t matter about what.

In high school, the French exchange students were *shocked* at the level of racism in the United States, and berated us heavily for it. We agreed with them fully knowing the history of genocide and slavery, here. And then we brought up the treatment of North Africans in France, and, oh, that was an entirely different

True. The world would be a better place if everybody just shut the fuck up for a few generations.

And so many people love to talk about how Europe is way ahead of the United States in terms of race relations and being accepting of everyone and it’s a utopia filled with rainbows and unicorns and weed and blah blah blah.

I’m sure they could. The question is how cost effective and convenient that solution is when only a small, but vocal, segment of the population has an issue with it. Tallow is used because it’s a cheap byproduct of meat production that would likely otherwise go to waste.

I’m sure the technology exists that it could be replaced with something that does not require any sort of animal products.

But the tons of plastic waste that this new superflous redesign generates is A-okay for the environment - because it’s just dead dinosaur. How inspiring.

I’ll be honest, I never thought Batman Forever was that terrible a movie. Maybe it was because Batman And Robin had set such a low bar. But I thought Val Kilmer was a pretty good Bruce Wayne. Jim Carrey was a bit over the top but that was perfect for that version of Nygma, and honestly Tommy Lee Jones was much more of

It’s both mentioned and linked. And I wrote a piece about it on Thanksgiving.

Fuck you, Evan... Batman Forever was good. (I mean that fuck you in the fuck you mean Batman Forever wasn’t good type of And awesome. Jim Carey as the Riddler...and Val Kilmer was the perfect Bruce Wayne too! Tommy Lee Jones killed it as Harvey/Face as well. Nicole Kidman made a young boy fall in love (and


Batman Forever WAS good. It wasn’t GREAT, but it was good. Seeing it in the theater, the audience laughed and cheered at the triumphant moments. Sure, it’s a big-budget adaptation of the Adam West 66 Batman series, and it’s fully cheesy, loud, over-the-top, goofy, neon-colored, ridiculous and bombastic, but it was

Imagine that, a bunch of man babies melting down. Fucking beta cucks.

If there was a “Delete NYC” Kickstarter, I’d throw stripper money at that campaign.

Dear @MTA, delete your account.

I’m pretty sure the common thread here is marijuana. The employees got freaked out by a customer and hid in the back: high. Dude goes to CVS in the middle of the night looking for cheese and spends 45 minutes wandering around the store: high.