
May I submit:

So Obama can take our guns.

That’s what I tell my wife when she thinks I dutch oven.

“See this is why can’t let women around Italians.” - better advice

Plus, did you see how she was dressed?

Literally nothing to do with political correctness...

Speaking as a white male...

White fragility is a real (and concerning) thing.

It’ll go like this,

I wrote a screenplay.

Some people just REALLY want to get out of Detroit.

Never tell me the odds...

how’s that different than any deadspin post?

Obviously someone got an 11 killstreak.

You can have mental issues worthy of sympathy as still be a grade-A a-hole.

The trend I’m noticing on RT is that it’s good. It’s fine. And if you roll with the experience it’s actually pretty good. But there are major story issues in the 1st and 2nd acts, the characters are flat and not especially memorable, and that like TFA, in a year or so we’ll be recognizing and admitting to a level of

Barret’s redesign looks fantastic, and I like that they ditched the mesh shirt from Advent, but I keep wondering where his dogtags come from. He wasn’t any kind of military, as far as the game’s lore is concerned. Were they work tags from the Coral coal mining company he worked for?

people wouldnt care if he just owned it. he’s fucking LeBron James. just shave you’re damn head.

The issue with Sports Illustrated and LeBron’s hairline is that no one’s buying either.

Yall are so mean to LeBron about his hair. I hope you never get male pattern baldness and then get laughed at on subway by a bunch of teenagers while staring longingly at some ridiculous hair treatment ad.