
That’s the joke.

What does any of this have to do with nazis that live in their parents garage??

Nah, there have been some pretty substantial changes since then. It all started with the reborn update, after that they changed a lot of things that had been intact since WC3 days.

As an avid Dota fan is is actually excited about this patch, HOTS is trash. I downloaded it on a whim and lasted about 5 games. Clunky as hell. Team fights amount to a clusterfuck of spamming mostly inconsequential spells. And just boring. I don’t see how anyone can sink more than 100 hours into that game...

I’ll adopt you, if you want.

Pretty sure he’s calling to the ref. Players typically can’t kick the ball out of a keeper’s hands. This guy didn’t have control of the ball though, so the ref made the right call.

Shut the fuck up

When my girlfriend gets a cold I ask her to say “Hey Chuck” ad nauseam.

You are giving too much credit to Ivanka...

Jesus fucking christ

Team Skull = Team 21 Pilots

I don’t play Overwatch but I play ranked in other games and I feel the same way. I’ll never understand the sensitive asses who get worked up when people flame them. A. It’s just a game, B: The flamer is some rando internet loser that knows nothing about you, get over it.

You sound like a real looser


He is self-righteous, deluded, Christian proselytizer. He is already a terrible person.

I get it!


They don’t, it’s pretty easy and I haven’t played since Emerald.

Is this really the hardest in the franchise? I got this one after having not played one since Emerald and found it shockingly easy. I would say that I am an average player at best but my starter didn’t even faint until I got to the Elite 4 and I never had to repeat any battles.  
